Browse mineral resources


Unnamed Pge Occurrence

Chantilly Crushed Stone, Inc. Quarry

Loudoun Quarries, Inc

Shale Prospect Sw of Sterling

Shale Prospect N. of Arcola

Shale Prospect S. of Gilberts Corner

Bull Run Stone Co. Crushed Stone Quarry

Leesburg Quarry

Leesburg Quarry

Loudoun Prospect

Goose Creek Mine

Furnace Mountain Mine

Sterling Copper Occurrence

Loudoun Quarry,Div of Chant

Husted Quarry

Goose Creek Mine

Shale Prospect

Leesburg Quarry

Leesburg Limestone Co., Inc Quarry

Bull Run Stone Co.

Shale Prospect

Bull Run Stone Co. Crushed Stone Qy

White Quarry

Shale Prospect

Loudoun Quarries, Inc. Quarry

Chantilly Crushed Stone Inc.


Goose Creek Lime Co. Quarry

Leesburg Plant


Arlington Stone Co. Quarry

Graywacke Quarry

Unnamed Prospect

Loudon Marble Co. Quarry



Unnamed Prospect

Alaskite Quarry

Furnace Mountain Mine


Gneiss Quarry

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